Oulaisten Amiraali Oy

Oulaisten Amiraali Oy

Oulaisten Amiraali Oy manages the rental apartments of the city of Oulainen. The company owns nine rowhouse-areas, six apartment building –areas and a student dormitory.


Our customer service’s new contact information is phone number +107395410 and email pohjanmaa@kodinisannointi.fi. Our customer service’s new opening hours are from 9 AM to 3 PM.

Apartment Type Area Vuokra Status
Luhtitalo opiskelijoille Hakakatu 28 2 h + k +s 2 h + k + s 44,5 541,00 eur/kk Vacant
Kerrostalon piha Kaarikatu 17, 3 rooms + kitchen + sauna Blockbuilding 72 695,18 €/kk Vacant
Kerrostalon piha Kaarikatu 17, 4 rooms+kitchen+sauna Blockbuilding 81,6 795,60 €/kk Vacant
Kaarikatu 19 ulkokuva Kaarikatu 19, 2 rooms + kitchen Blockbuilding 61,5 562,37 eur/kk Vacant
Kangaskatu 4 Kangaskatu 4, 2 rooms + kitchen Blockbuilding 58,00 539,78 €/kk Vacant
Kangaskatu 4 Kangaskatu 4, 3 rooms + kitchen Blockbuilding 79,50 657,88 eur/kk Vacant
Luhtitalo opiskelijoille Hakakatu 28 studio apartment for students only! Loft house 31,5 350 €/kk/hlo Vacant
Ravikatu 10 Ravikatu 10, 2 rooms + kitchen Loft house 59 515,04 €/kk Vacant
Rivitalo ulkokuva Hakakatu 10, 3 rooms + kitchen + sauna Rowhouse 71 717,10 €/kk Vacant
Hakakatu 12 ulkoa Hakakatu 12, 3 rooms + kitchen + sauna Rowhouse 83,5 767,37 €/kk Vacant
Hakakatu 14 ulkokuva Hakakatu 14, 3 rooms + kitchen + sauna Rowhouse 79 741,08 €/kk Vacant
Ravikatu 21 ulkokuva Ravikatu 21, 3 rooms + kitchen + sauna Rowhouse 69,5 623,62 € / kk Vacant
Rivitalon ulkokuva. Rohtokuja 8, 3 rooms + kitchen Rowhouse 75,5 701,93 €/kk Vacant
Rivitalon ulkokuva. Rohtokuja 8, 4 rooms + kitchen + sauna Rowhouse 96 945,60 €/kk Vacant